By Jim Farrell OK, enough is enough. Even as diehard Northwesterners, our bodies and souls are craving a major vitamin ‘D’ fix after the ravages of this winter’s storms. A long trip to Hawaii or maybe South America or even the southern parts of North America would seem to be in order, but alas, there…
Author: Jim Farrell
Grandpa Dick’s Brother Bill, Chapter 4
Chapter four By Jim Farrell The moment that comes into the life of all Natives, came to Brother Bill also. Brother Bill, along with the other children his age, set off on the biggest adventure of their few short years had ever experienced. Given only the skins in which they were born, the children went…
Grandpa Dick’s Brother Bill, Chapter 5
Chapter Five By Jim Farrell A new day bringing rain and a new life dawned for Brother Bill. His first need was to get something to wear, so off he went into the forest in search of appropriate apparel. Being 2 feet 12 inches tall, one wouldn’t have much trouble finding something to wear, but…
By Russ Farrell This old range in the kitchen We fed it alder wood. The darn thing made more ashes Than sixteen smokers should. The pan would fill I two days’ time, The draft plugs up in four, And Saturday when I come home The stove wouldn’t draw no more. I…
Grandpa Dick’s Brother Bill, Chapter 6
Chapter Six By Jim Farrell “You might think that this was the end of the story” Grandpa Dick said to the four of us as we lie around his rocking chair listening to his soft southern Missouri twang as the storm raged outside that little farm house nestled amongst the tall fir trees bending before…